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Open Source ABCs: Kernel

· One min read
Bekah Hawrot Weigel
Developer Experience Lead

Welcome to our #100DaysOfOSS series. Until October 31, we'll be doing Open Source Software (OSS) terms from A to Z. We'll be diving into a different letter of the English alphabet, uncovering OSS concepts, and sharing our thoughts on them.

Today, we're covering the letter "K" for Kernel.

Open Source ABCs: JavaScript

· One min read
Bekah Hawrot Weigel
Developer Experience Lead

Welcome to our #100DaysOfOSS series. Until October 31, we'll be doing Open Source Software (OSS) terms from A to Z. We'll be diving into a different letter of the English alphabet, uncovering OSS concepts, and sharing our thoughts on them.

Today, we're covering the letter "J" for JavaScript.

Navigating Open Source: My Journey to Contributing and Getting My First freeCodeCamp PR Accepted

· 8 min read
Bekah Hawrot Weigel
Developer Experience Lead

In July, I participated in a “Build in Public” monthly challenge. My goal was to contribute to an open source project that I hadn’t contributed to yet. Luckily, I found my issue pretty quickly and by one of my favorite methods: I let the community know what my goal was and they had a recommendation. Jessica Wilkins is both a member of the community sharing the challenge and a maintainer for freeCodeCamp Developer Quiz Site. When she shared the issue, I immediately said yes. I knew it would let me dust off my coding skills, have support, and contribute to an organization that I have a special connection to-this is where I started learning to code.

Open Source ABCs: Issues

· 2 min read
Bekah Hawrot Weigel
Developer Experience Lead

Welcome to our #100DaysOfOSS series. Until October 31, we'll be doing Open Source Software (OSS) terms from A to Z. We'll be diving into a different letter of the English alphabet, uncovering OSS concepts, and sharing our thoughts on them.

Today, we're covering the letter "I" for Issues.

Open Source ABCs: Git

· One min read
Bekah Hawrot Weigel
Developer Experience Lead

Welcome to our #100DaysOfOSS series. Until October 31, we'll be doing Open Source Software (OSS) terms from A to Z. We'll be diving into a different letter of the English alphabet, uncovering OSS concepts, and sharing our thoughts on them.

Today, we're covering the letter "G" for Git.

What Does an Open Source Triage Team Do?

· 5 min read
Bekah Hawrot Weigel
Developer Experience Lead

You might have seen the word triage thrown around when talking about open source. Maybe you wondered what it meant and how that role impacts open source. If we think of open source like a journey, then the role of someone on the triage team is an explorer who helps to discover hidden challenges and helps to chart a path forward.

Open Source ABCs: Fork

· One min read
Bekah Hawrot Weigel
Developer Experience Lead

Welcome to our #100DaysOfOSS series. Until October 31, we'll be doing Open Source Software (OSS) terms from A to Z. We'll be diving into a different letter of the English alphabet, uncovering OSS concepts, and sharing our thoughts on them.

Today, we're covering the letter "F" for Fork.

Caching Git Repos: A Deep Dive into OpenSauced's 'Pizza Oven' Service

· 9 min read
John McBride
Sr Software Engineer | AI Engineer

Over the last few weeks, the OpenSauced engineering team has been building a service we're calling the “pizza oven.” This service indexes commits within bespoke git repositories and can be used to generate insights based on those commits. This all gives us the ability to create interesting metrics around open source project velocity, “time to merge”, the who’s who of contributors, and more; all by indexing and parsing the git commits! We’ve been experimenting with many different models and have created an interesting solution for increased performance and availability of the service.

Open Source ABCs: Evolution

· One min read
Bekah Hawrot Weigel
Developer Experience Lead

Welcome to our #100DaysOfOSS series. Until October 31, we'll be doing Open Source Software (OSS) terms from A to Z. We'll be diving into a different letter of the English alphabet, uncovering OSS concepts, and sharing our thoughts on them.

Today, we're covering the letter "E" for Evolution.

You Don’t Need a Mentor: Embracing the Power of Community

· 6 min read
Bekah Hawrot Weigel
Developer Experience Lead

I’ve heard the advice over and over, “find a mentor.” While having a mentor can be valuable, relying solely on one mentor isn’t the most effective approach to learning and growing. Instead, let's redefine what it means to receive mentorship to benefit the most people. What does that mean? It means that we see mentorship as daily opportunities to learn and grow with people that we may or may not have direct contact regularly. It means that we see communities as the most valuable resource for mentorship. That we can receive mentorship by interacting with people in online environments, and by seeing every conversation as an opportunity to learn something new. That we ask questions, provide feedback, and that we mentor ourselves as part of that journey.