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Understanding Contributor Insights Data

Once you've created your Contributor Insight Page, it's time to understand the data provided. Understanding this data is key to effectively managing your projects and contributors.

Understanding Contributor Insights Data​

Interpreting Total Commits in the Last 30 Days​

Understanding the commits over the last 30 days helps in gauging the overall activity and productivity of the group.

High commit volume might indicate a highly active and engaged team. A sudden drop could signal potential issues or a need for additional support or motivation.

Monitoring Active Contributors​

Identifying active contributors helps in recognizing reliable team members and planning future tasks.

Trends in active contributor numbers can indicate the health of the project community and the effectiveness of engagement strategies. Notice the ebbs and flows in individual contributors’ activity.

A decline in a normally active contributor’s engagement could indicate burnout or dissatisfaction, while a surge in activity might be tied to recent changes or enhancements in the project. Tracking activity levels can help you manage team burnout, understand resource needs, and spot potential issues before they escalate.

Each contributor has an OSCR score that reflects their recent activity and engagement. This score can help you identify key contributors, their recent activity and effectiveness, and recognize impactful contributors.

Understanding Types of Contributors​

New Contributors​

Tracking new contributors is key to understanding the growth and influx of new talent.

An influx of new contributors might be a positive sign of project popularity, successful outreach efforts, or the community health of your project. However, it could also indicate a need for more support and guidance for new contributors.

Alumni Contributors​

Alumni contributors are contributors who haven't been active in the last 30 days. Identifying contributors who have stopped contributing helps in assessing potential issues or dissatisfaction.

High churn rates could signal deeper problems within the project environment or community management.

Most Active Contributors​

Identifying key contributors and potential leaders is important for project health and growth. It can help with delegation of responsibilities and recognition of top performers. It can also identify potential mentors for new contributors and help in planning for succession.

If you see that a few active contributors are doing most of the work, it might be a sign that the project needs more support or that the workload needs to be better distributed.

Activity Across Other Repositories​

Understanding the range of repositories to which contributors in a list have recently contributed shows the broader interests and skills of the community. It reveals contributors' engagement levels and potential specializations, which allows for effective task allocation and identifying mentorship or leadership candidates.

Additionally, it opens paths for potential cross-project collaborations and strategic project planning, aligning the project’s goals with trends and interests in the open source ecosystem.

Understanding the recent history of each contributor's engagement assists in tracking individual contribution patterns and identifying potentially cooling interests.